Friday, November 14, 2008

Back On The Blog

I am going to start maintaining my blog again. Since my last post I have had two more one week trips in the DR, I kept a journal but not as well as I did on my first time and so instead of a long story about my trip I am going to later sum up my feelings about it.

But for know I will blog about my upcoming adventure. I am leaving for the DR on February 14th for a period of 6 months, at which time I will post weekly or by weekly to let anyone who wants to know what is going on with my trip.

So far I am working so save money about 2000 dollars is already in the bank. The DREAMS@MAC team is in full swing fundraising again. This year we got an HBC account so people can donate their HBC points to us. Anyone wishing to donate may do so at:

In the "search for a community" area people can find us by our community name: "DREAMS @ MAC" or by our community number 8733362.

All money raised will go towards building materials for homes and not to any personal expenses to the team.

That is really all there is to blog for the next while. There are 90 days until I leave and now I must begin the search for clothes, medical supplies, school supplies, tools, toys, and money to bring down with me.

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